Pet X-Ray Services in Dubai

At Perfect Dose Veterinary Clinic, we value your priorities about your pet’s health and well-being. Our state-of-the-art pet X-ray services in Dubai ensure accurate and timely diagnostics, helping us provide the best care for your furry family members.

common orthopaedic diseases in dubai, pet xray in dubai

When might Your Pet Need an X-Ray?

  • Traumatic Injuries: It includes suspected fractures, dislocations, or internal bleeding
  • Respiratory Issues: Pneumonia, lung tumours or heart enlargement needs quick treatment and it can be diagnosed by X-rays
  • Digestive Problems: X-ray can locate foreign objects, identify obstructions, or assessing the size and location of tumours.
  • Urinary Tract Issues:  Kidney stones, bladder stones, or urinary tract infections can easily be identified by X-ray
  • Orthopaedic Conditions: Taking X-rays can evaluate hip dysplasia, arthritis, or other joint problems.
  • Pregnancy: X-rays help to confirm pregnancy and monitoring fetal development.

Why Choose Perfect Dose Veterinary Clinic for Pet X-ray Services?

  • Advanced Technology: To make the diagnosis effective we use high-quality and advanced X-ray equipment and it will provide detailed and precise imaging.
  • Experienced Veterinarians: Using X-ray imaging our team of skilled veterinarians specializes in diagnosing and treating various health conditions.
  • Comfort and Care: We ensure a stress-free atmosphere to your pet by giving priorities to your pet’s comfort.
  • Quick Results: Without delays our in-house diagnostics provide fast results, enabling us to initiate treatment.
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Our Pet X-Ray Services

  • Diagnostics X-Rays: Our diagnostic X-rays helps to find whether your pet have illness or injuries like fractures, organ issues or foreign object ingestion.
  • Dental X-Rays: Oral health is also part of good health conditions. Our dental X-rays helping us detect and treat dental diseases by providing detailed images of your pet’s teeth and gums.
  • Pre-Surgical X-Rays: By assessing your pet’s internal structures our pre-surgical X-rays help to ensure a safe and effective surgery.  
  • Routine Health Screenings: Including X-rays in your pet’s regular check ups will help to monitor your pet’s internal organs and detect potential issues early.

Success Stories from Happy Customers

Pinky’s Recovery

Bella, a three-year-old Golden Retriever, was showing discomfort by limping. So, at Perfect Dose Veterinary Clinic our team took a digital X-ray and revealed a minor fracture in her hind leg. Our expertise quickly develop a treatment plan and Pinky recovered fully within weeks and is back to her playful self!


Professional and Caring Service!

My cat Sheru, swallowing something he shouldn’t have and I was worried about him. The team at Perfect Dose Veterinary Clinic was used an X-ray and find the object that my cat swallowed and removed it safely. Their quick and secure care bring back my cat to his life. –   Manu R, Alqooz Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my pet need an X-ray?

    To diagnose your pet’s various conditions like broken bones, internal injuries and dental problems X-ray is the best possible way.

    Is pet X-ray safe?

    Yes, pet X-rays are safe under qualified and skilled professionals and we have experienced professional at Perfect Dose Veterinary Clinic

    How do I prepare my pet for an X-ray?

    Our skilled professionals will help you to prepare your pet for the X-ray by giving proper instructions.

    How long does an X-ray take?

    Typically, the X-ray procedure will take 15-30 minutes. But depending on the complexity of your pet’s disease it may take more time.

    What does an X-ray cost?

    The cost varies depending on your pet’s health conditions